Cutting through the red tape

Here in Zürich things are getting more hectic everyday. In a little over two weeks I’m leaving for Tromsø, and in the meantime there are gazillions of loose ends to follow up. Today I spent hours at several Swiss governmental offices just to announce that I’m leaving the country, and of course they didn’t let me go without emptying my pockets. Thanks to Swiss bureaucracy there’s a whole lot more of administrative stuff I need to take care off, and of course there are tons of other things to do, like emptying my apartment and getting rid of most of my things, preparing for my PhD defence in a couple of days, arranging a PhD-party, resubmitting and publishing a couple of scientific papers, etc etc. Meanwhile Patrick is in Tromsø and not only struggling with the bad weather – our elderly boat needs to be in perfect shipshape before launching, and organizing everything in a remote arctic Norwegian town does not make things any easier. Well, not much more time, and we can leave all the struggle behind. Looking very much forward to finally setting sails!

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